Mar 7, 2009

hail to KOMPLOT (pictures)!!

yes! as i promised...
here are some of the pics of KOMPLOT during souncheck,performing 3 of their hit song and interview withh Shaq & Dina on Xgig Xtended at Xfresh FM! Pics credits to Yap Khentang!

(p/s :- i tried to upload all the pic but this is all i got...damned pc!)


Hazman Hamzah @ Kagami Anenokoji said...

(p/s :- i tried to upload all the pic but this is all i got...damned pc!)...wakaka,u pc meh??dammed u pc...ops!!!laptop.Nyihahaha!!

Inche Fitri said...

damn u man!
siak kaw!
nnt ko!
bikin panas jea!

applesakura said... gilerrr (alamak! xtau apew yg cool,tp rase memg cool la) hehe
napew xcakap g Xfrsh????eeee
ni nak marah nih hehehe (konon)
hehe paper pon,kim salam member2 kamo yek daa
